These docs are for v0.10. Click to read the latest docs for v0.13.

Upgrade Instructions From v0.9

Route and Mount

A plug-router means the router compiled into a plug and handle connections by call/2 function.


Every router is a plug-router.
When Router.A mounted to Router.B, will be executed. If a halted plug returned, it means that this connection is matched with an endpoint within Router.A or router mounted to Router.A.


Router don't compile into a plug by default.
When Router.A mounted to Router.B, all routes within Router.A will be merged into Router.B.
If Router.B is a plug-router, a call/2 function will be defined for version and path matching.
There're two way to defined a router as a plug-router:

  1. Define it within config.exs via config :maru, MyRouterModule, xxxx
  2. Define it within defmodule block via use Maru.Router, make_plug: true

Overridable and Top-Level plugs

Now plugs are bound to endpoint and could be override.
If you need a Top-Level plug which is called before route, write them within before block.


  1. plug_overriable is not supported within before block.
  2. before block only works with plug-router.

Remove build-in Plug.Parser

So, you need to add something like these lines to your plug-router manually.

plug Plug.Parsers,
  pass: ["*/*"],
  json_decoder: Poison,
  parsers: [:urlencoded, :json, :multipart]

Merge Coercion and ParamType

Now they're both replaced by Maru.Types.
If you want to define your own type, defined it as Maru.Types.MyDate and used it like this: requires :date, type: MyDate.
By the way, you need to use Maru.Type when you define Maru.Types.MyDate. And the parser function should be defined as parse/2 instead of from/1.

Exception Handler

Exception handlers defined by rescue_from DSL only works with plug-router now.

Test Environment

Maru generates several helper functions to run test. By default test works when MIX_ENV=test. If you use another environment for your test, you should add such lines to your config.exs file:

config :maru, MyApp, 
  test: true